Becket at the Supreme Court

    Becket has an unparalleledundefeated record at the U.S. Supreme Court. In the last ten years, Becket has won eight Supreme Court casesFive of those victories were unanimous. Almost half of all Supreme Court victories for religious freedom over the last decade were Becket cases 

    Beyond the headlinesBecket is also one of the few law firms in the country that have won emergency relief from the Supreme Court—and it has done so multiple times, staving off multimilliondollar fines for the Little Sisters of the Poor, protecting religious colleges from illegal government regulations, and helping Jewish synagogues win the first-ever Supreme Court victory against discriminatory COVID-19 bans on religious worship

    Becket’s Supreme Court expertise is broad and deep, with decades of experience on cutting-edge religious liberty cases, training at top-tier law firms and in academia, numerous clerkships (including at the Supreme Court), and three attorneys who have personally provided winning oral arguments in the Supreme Court 

    Mark Rienzi
    McCullen v. Coakley

    Eric Rassbach
    Our Lady of Guadalupe v. Morrissey-Berru

    Lori Windham
    Fulton v. City of Philadelphia

    Setting good precedent for religious liberty at the Supreme Court is the most powerful way to protect our most fundamental freedom. That’s why we employ a focused strategy to bring the most salient issues and the strongest arguments to the nation’s highest court. 
