How Minnesota Catholics and Lutherans Teamed Up to Open Their Churches
Two Gay Students Are Suing a Seminary. Here’s Why It Matters.
Why this Court Got it Right on Religious Imagery
This Christian Student Group Was Discriminated Against. It Could Soon Be Vindicated.
Christian Student Group Sues University for Rejecting It as Official Club
My University Stripped a Campus Ministry of Recognition, Until It Fought Back
Religious Liberty Is Not Being Used to Impose Religion. Here’s the Proof.
North Carolina Settles With Magistrate It Forced Out for Not Doing Gay Marriages
The Two Cases That Prove Neil Gorsuch Is Right for the Supreme Court
Atheists Give Up Case, Christians Can Continue to Help Ex-Convicts
March 10, 2016, The Daily Signal
This is good news all around. It’s good for the taxpayer because Christian ministries provide valuable social services to the public at a lower price. It’s good for society and the prisoners because they are more likely to return to productive lives instead of return to jail.
Judges Say Catholic Network’s Employee Health Plan Must Cover Contraceptives
February 23, 2016, The Daily Signal
In a 2-1 decision, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decided Thursday that the U.S. government has “a compelling interest” to ensure that EWTN employees are enrolled in a health plan that provides contraceptives. Requiring that, the court said, doesn’t “substantially burden” the Catholic organization’s free exercise of religion.
Atheists Tried to Stop These Christian From Helping Ex-Convicts. What a Judge Then Ruled.
January 29, 2016, The Daily Signal
The New York-based atheist group, the Center for Inquiry, has spent years trying to stop these ministries from receiving government funding. In a lawsuit originally filed in 2007, the Center for Inquiry argued that because of their religious affiliation, state funding of the ministries violated Florida’s “Blaine Amendment,” a state constitutional provision banning direct and indirect funding of “sectarian” organizations.
This Woman Had a Religious Item Taken From Her at Her Trial–Despite Having Judge’s Permission to Carry It
Here’s What Chipotle and Boy Scouts Have to Do with the Constitution
Obama Administration ‘Doubles Down’ on Fight Against Nuns
Is the IRS Going to Censor Sermons at Your Church?
Daily Signal August 9, 2014
Daniel Blomberg, legal counsel at The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, agreed to answer questions about the case from The Daily Signal and explain the threat posed to Americans’ religious freedom.
Read the rest of the article here.